Friday 24 February 2012

How life changes....

Its the end of week 4 in the school term in NSW, Australia. Its been a rather busy start to the year.
Firstly, we changed Maths Programs to Teaching Textbooks, added a Grammar Program through IEW, and started Cambridge Latin.
Of course, You have it all in sorted how the year will flow... Well God must laugh at me, He is really in control. We have tweaked our day, our week as we have added various extras.
I have always been one to be quite strict on morning routine. I feel routine is important to learn for tertiary study and  employment in the future. This routine has worked  until this year.
Our after school activities list has grown and gotten later in the evening as Brid has gotten older.
Youth group has a 9pm finish with a 30 minute drive home, so we have scheduled in a small sleep in to accomodate for tiredness and the need for teens to sleep more.
Brid has 2 disciplines of dance 2 nights a week, so we have Fridays as a rest day. Our catch up day and a generally slow start to the day. We meet up with friends and chill out.
It has been quite an easy transition and what I have noticed is the level of cooperation that has really been reached. The jobs that once were so important to set for Brid have been blurred. We all do them. Brid still takes the responsibilty and this has created a harmony. Much to my surprise.
So this term is still quite new, but with so many  changes that it feels new.

What changes are happening in your homeschool?


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