Thursday, 22 December 2011


A friend recommended a really great book, called Fashioned by Faith. I researched it a little further and ordered it.
Its about a Fashion model who learnt how to say no to being put in situations and positions, as a model, that would compromise her body. It is after all the Temple of the Holy Spirit.
Brid has read the teen series, All things Girls., and we have had many heart to hearts, so it was no surprise to me that she would enjoy this book.
A few days ago, we were shopping and she said out of the blue,"I didn't realise how many immodest clothes there were until I began reading that book Mum,". I was surprised by her reaction, but she was looking at clothing in a completely new way.
We taped the Christmas carols to watch and she wanted to fast forward a few songs. when questioned why? 'They need to cover up more.
So this book has made a big impact on Brid. We have taught her the art of modesty and dressing for Our Lord, but this book explained it in much more detail.

This will take us on a journey over the next year looking at and expanding modesty, purity and boys.
Brid and I work together with another family during the year, and us Mums. we were at a loss, what subject will we cover this year with them? So this is it!.
Maybe at the end we will read and study Pygmalion. It highlighting the issues we have looked at.


  1. Leanne,

    This looks like a great book. I followed the link. There is a Kindle edition. I think I shall buy a copy! Thank you for the recommendation.

    I understand Brid's reaction to the singers wearing immodest clothes. My girls hide their eyes and protest loudly! Funny thing is the girls and I haven't really had long talks about modesty. They just seemed to have quietly absorbed our own attitudes, which is nice.

    I'll have to look up All things Girls too.

    God bless!

  2. Leanne,

    I followed your link for All Things Girl. The books look wonderful! Ordering is only by phone and I assume the books come from the US. Did you get your books from this supplier or do you know any booksellers here who stock the series?

  3. Sue,
    I got these books from catholic heritage curriculum. Michelle oftem puts in an order. if you have Ewtn, there is a tv series about this as well.
    I think you maybe able to get them from book depository.
    They have been a great series. We have dragged them out time and time again. God bless Leanne

  4. hi sue,
    regarding the book being available on kindle. I nearly bought it on kindle but it has a devotion section for each chapter, so I wanted Brid to be able to write in it if she liked.
    I know the homeschool camps help to promote modesty and respect for our bodies, but in the worlds of dance and fashion, these are areas that can be undermined. So this book really began highlighting to Brid without my saying anything, the gift of Gods truth and modesty. Rachael Lee Carter has a website too. google the book and her name.
    Thanks so much for commenting,
    God Bless,
