Wednesday 23 November 2011

coming close to the end of the school year..

The school year here in Australia. is coming to a close. Most schools pack up there books and bags and head for summer holidays from mid December.
We are winding down our official schooling as well. But we can't wind down life learning.
Brid is finishing off a unit study  about Blessed Juniper Serra and his life. She has journeyed to Spain, Mexico and looked into missionary work. She is making a start in this area herself.
Fr Brown has grapped her attention on our ebook reader. I am sure that series will be complete soon.
Maths will come to a hault as well. Will we continue with Maths Online? We will finish this level and reassess it early next year.
So I have asked Brid to complete all areas of work she is working on before mid December.
Ideally I would like to concentrate our days on the season of Advent. It has come around too quickly, but as we organise our christmas decorations into various boxes, it is no trouble to locate the Advent Box. We are looking at various Advent crafts and ideas at the moment.
She has enjoyed reading Apologia Anamtomy & Physiology, making the occasional journal entry, and creating a great board game.
Earlier this year we began a faith text from seton.Witness to Faith. It is there new yr8 text. Some would consider this too schoolie. But it has been a walk through our faith, through the centuries. We won't be completing this as Brid is taking this slowly, enjoying and soaking it in. It has given her a greater understanding of our faith, and thats always a good thing.

Next post, I may share with you the different areas Brid and I have decided we would like to tackle.

So for reading in the holidays I purchased a series called My story. WW1. Brid loves these books and as they were on sale at book depository I could afford to splurge a little.She has already began reading one of them. I need to hand these out individually, or else no chores or work of any kind gets done. Is this controlling, maybe, but its also teaching self control and discipling ones self.

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