Sunday 11 October 2009

one year on

This is my Dad and Brid, he is very proud of her.
One year on and i have changed my approach to homeschooling yet again. I change it with Brid and our lifestyle in mind.

Brid has adapted and loves the new moves.

As we have moved in the last 9 weeks, we have of course had interruptions to our schooling. We found a good history unit study. history links. It has been our answer to headaches in getting all material I need for the next history program.

This last year we have addressed and enjoyed Astronomy, at the end of The Human Body and about to embark on Botany. I use readers as these topics will be covered as Brid gets older, in greater depth.

The human body will be used to bounce into Modesty and whats happening with your body now.

I have been recommended mothers little helper. its hard to find, but God will lead us to the right book for this discussion.

We are about to embark on 6/5 saxon maths. And wow has it been a journey of knowledge. Brid struggles with times tables, so we have built this drill into our day, at any time.

But what we have seen is an understanding andan interpretation of text beyond her years. Its been very obvious as we look back over the other children, at this time.

Her knowledge and understandinf and being able to defend her faith is amazing, so all in all its been a very good year academically.

We have had a huge year with family issues, and it has been very hard for Brid. I would love to have sheltered her from this, but it has been to hard, so Brid has had to be in the thick of it too.

I am actually very proud of how much she has grown and her maturity in dealing with this all. Its definitely been a God lifting her up. Praise you Lord.

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